In this blog, we’ll explore practical strategies to help children with autism cope with anxiety, including relaxation techniques and routines that can promote a sense of calm and security.
autism learn & play Inc.
Latest Blogs
How Parents Can Practice Self-Care While Caring for a Child with Autism
In this blog, we’ll explore stress management strategies and practical self-care tips for caregivers of children with autism.
Autism and Physical Health: Addressing Sleep, Diet, and Exercise Needs
In this blog, we’ll explore practical tips for addressing the physical health needs of children with autism, focusing on sleep, diet, and exercise.
Celebrating Milestones, Big and Small, in the Life of a Child with Autism
In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of celebrating milestones in the lives of children with autism and provide practical tips for parents and caregivers on how to honor these achievements.
The Role of Art and Music Therapy for Kids with Autism
Art and music therapy have emerged as effective creative therapies for children with autism, providing valuable avenues for emotional expression and communication.
Autism and Communication: Exploring AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) Options
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) refers to methods and tools that help individuals with communication difficulties convey their messages.
The Importance of Teaching a Child with Autism How to Swim
In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of teaching children with autism to swim, the unique benefits they can gain from learning this skill, and tips for making swim lessons effective and enjoyable.
The Importance of Inclusion for Children with Autism
This blog will explore the significance of inclusion for children with autism, how it benefits both the child and their peers, and strategies for creating an inclusive environment in schools and beyond.
Transitioning to Adulthood: Preparing Teens with Autism
In this blog, we will explore how families, educators, and support networks can help teens with autism prepare for adulthood, offering strategies and insights to guide this important transition.
Addressing Stigma and Misconceptions About Autism
In this blog, we will address some of the most common misconceptions about autism, debunk myths, and offer insight into how we can collectively reduce stigma and promote inclusion for individuals on the spectrum.
